Tuesday, August 17, 2010

get my tattoo, teach Barney 5 new tricks (1/5)

I GOT MY TATTOO! yup it looks awesome if I must say so myself. The design I had would not load onto the computer so he designed one instead... IT LOOKS AMAZING and so much better than what I did. I got it on my shoulder blade.  It honors my Italian heritage and since I wanted a hibiscus flower- you can say it honors my new home...or flowers we saw on our honeymoon.

 I am happy with it. And will post a better picture once I am healed. I must say (or type, I guess) I feel kind of bad that I went without Drew because he wanted to go with me, but since I was already there while my friend got her piercing, we decided that we should go for it and I should get my tattoo. I told Drew he seemed kind of upset I didn't wait for him. This means I get to scratch off another thing on my challenge.

after color-it's blurry cause it has the stuff on it

before coloring

Barney also learned a new trick... to give one paw and then the other. Oh my little demon, when he's good he's the best dog ever. When he's bad- I want to take him out behind the barn like "Old Yeller".

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